In the vast expanse of the digital cosmos, there exists a realm beyond comprehension – Shall. It is a virtual reality universe where imagination knows no bounds, where the constraints of reality are mere whispers in the wind. Within Shall, the only limit is the extent of one's creativity.
As you step into Shall for the first time, you find yourself standing on the precipice of endless possibilities. The landscape unfolds before you in a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, shifting and morphing with each passing moment. Glowing orbs of light dance through the air, carrying whispers of the worlds they hold within.
Shall Metaverse is a next-gen web3 VR entertainment platform with users as
the community participants and creators through interactive multi-episode games
Exceptionally high motion speed(up to 360°/s), and powerful motors(up to 350Ws) Built-in vibration, and ultra-low latency
The software provides you a personalized and smooth gaming experience, and the Game Engine supports more than
20 popular VR games, and compatible with most PC games and all major VR headsets.
Join the game and earn the token
Earn and create your digital assets in the game, from NFT, digital avatar to the gadgets in the game